A/c Name: Mami Foundation A/c Number: 09711000259 Bank Name: Laxmi Bank Sanepa-2, Lalitpur Swift code: LXBLNPKA
Amount you would like to invest towards Mami Foundation: --select--Rs. 100 a day (Rs. 3,000 per month)Rs. 50 a day (Rs. 1,500 per month)Rs. 33 a day (Rs. 1,000 per month)Rs. 25 a day (Rs. 750 per month)15 a day (Rs. 450 per month)Rs. 10 a day (Rs. 300 per month)Rs. 5 a day (Rs. 150 per month)Rs. 3 a day (Rs. 100 per month)Other (please specify in Comments below)
How often would you like to transfer the pledge amount? --select--MonthlyQuaterly(Every Three Months)Half-yearly(Every Six)Yearly
How would you like to transfer your contribution to Teach for Nepal? --select--I would like to deposit in Mami Foundation's Bank AccountI would like to visit your office and hand over my contributionI would like someone from Mami Foundation to come and collect my contribution
My commitment begins from
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